Sunday, January 31, 2016

Mardi Gras Ball Weekend in Mobile

There's something special about having your family nearby that makes your heart feel warm and fuzzy, especially when you literally live across the country from them! I've been looking forward to having my sister Becca here for WEEKS, and even though I can't believe her vaca has already come and gone, it was so wonderful to see her and her hubby. While they were here, I thought it would be fun to do a little photo shoot for them, especially since they were going to be dressed up for a Mardi Gras ball. (Living in Mobile for a few years now, I think I've forgotten how unique that tradition is and how fun it can be to dress up in a ball gown and dance the night away!)

For their pictures, we drove around the city to a few locations I had in mind...the sun was starting to set which meant the lighting was just right to capture some neat shots. I wanted to share a few of my favorites, but honestly with these two beautiful people, I think they all turned out fabulous! I was also pretty excited that they turned out to well since they were taken with my phone (confession...I don't yet own a DSLR!)

It was such a fun weekend and I'm so happy they made the trip in! Happy Mardi Gras!

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